


I have decided that it makes me sad that so much focus is on breast cancer and their patients. while I feel for EVERY SINGLE person who goes through cancer, I am sad that there are so many organizations focused on breast cancer instead of supporting cancer patients in general. susan g koman walk for the cure is this weekend, but there is also a lymphoma/lukemia walk and a few others. i wish i could help all other cancer groups gain the publicity necessary to create awareness.


To friends, family and aquaintences....

If you have a problem with me or not even a problem but an issue, and want to talk to me about something, don't send a message to me and god knows how many other people - I can take criticism, yelling, anger, even harsh words, but when you bcc: other people this makes my blood BOIL. I don't do this to you, and I expect the same respect.



Gymboree Rocks.

Thank you Pam for the Gymoree rec. E had a GREAT time and she was just so happy the rest of the day! :) I am sooo happy. :)

No thoughts for the day - other than we are thinking about trading in one of our cars for a scion XB. We will see. I think they are ugly, but dh fits in them nicely and they get GREAT gas mileage - something we think we will need in the coming months. Not to mention, i can drive that car when dh is gone as to save on gas.

I am supposed to go to a spa party tonight - not sure i will make it. Don't really feel like driving 40 min one way to attend. Sad, I know, but we have to start thinking of things like this. Neither of us want to end up in debt b/c of gas! So we will need to cut back in other areas.


I don't get out much...

lol - and we're going to change that! Thanks to my firend Pam, we are now going to join Gymboree - E needs to get some energy out of her and what a better way and to get both of us out of the house and talking with outher humans! :)

Also, hubby requested that when he travels that I put E in a daycare type of situation for 1 day per week since I am the only one with her 24/7. I kind of agree it will be money VERY well spent.

My headaches are back. I thought they had left the building, but Nooooooooooooooooooooo....

And thank god totinos pizzas are only $1.00. My child is IN LOVE with pizza - that's all she wants to eat. With her, $1.00 lasts two meals. I think I am going to start putting 'toppings' on the cheese pizza - like some sort of veggies. We will see how that blows over.
I haven't had a totinos since college - and I forgot how yummie they are....and how much fat they have! :( oh well - i have actually lost lbs this pregnancy and I am 12 weeks so right now i am just eating what sounds good - or what i can tolerate.

that's all for now - other than the morning sickness, life is good. we are gearing up for our trip the beginning of october - it is coming faster than we think!!


Another thought for the day....

I am bummed with my friends. I had ONE friend call me on my bday and one email. That's it. I didn't want a party because we are going to Orlando in October to celebrate my 30th bday and me being 1 year cancer free. :) I am sooo excited and wouldn't spend my time any differently than with my family.

Some people (cough Kate cough :) ) think I am NUTS for spending so much time with my family. I have a very unique relationship with my family. I can't explain it, but they ARE my best friends. They are the only ones who are there when it is my birthday, when I am sad, happy, have an issue with my daughter, had cancer....the list goes on. I can officially tell you that I had 3 friends stop by, bring food and/or come stay with us when I had cancer. I can't tell you how much that means to me and how much that made me sad.

I just figured it out - I had a ton of friends before I got sick - or so I thought. You really find out who your friends are when something happens to you. I got pregnant and some of my "friends" quit talking to us either b/c they were trying and couldn't or b/c they were single and couldn't deal. Um, ok - whatever. But then I was diagnosed with cancer and it was like I was the cancer - the rest of them didn't call, come around or email. It was horrible. I know that people handle things in different ways, but it has been a year since and I still haven't heard from some of them. I guess that's why I put so much stock in my family. They have been there through thick and thin and I would do the same for them - and would for any friend that stuck their neck out for me.

I have so much to write, I probably should update this blog more :) I will commit to that in the coming days :)

I have been tagged

Since I was tagged by Nini, I have been RACKING MY BRAIN to see what I idiosyncrasies are - and I can tell you I have NO CLUE. I have even gone so far as to ask my hubby and my sister and they can't even think of anything.

I am feeling pretty lame right now.