

Happy Monday!

This weekend was trying and tiring. But the good news? We only have two more weeks of daddy being completely swamped at work, adn then he is taking some time for US! :) We are so excited. Well, okay, maybe I am just excited b/c I am the only one who "gets" it.

So I am taking the kids to the zoo today. I have GOT to get her out of the house. I feel so bad as a parent that we can't get her outside living in a condo and all. *insert angry face here* anyway, she needs to go run, and look at things, so I am going to bring my camera, dress the kids really cute and go to the zoo and take some time today taking photos. My photography hasn't been so hot lately, and I need some practice - what better practice than on my kiddos while they are making themselves tired?!? LOL

I woke up with a scratch in my throat - and my chest is heavy. Translation? Bronchitis by the end of the week. I HATE radiation and chemo. But mostly radiation that killed all the living good cells in my throat and chest.


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