

Lessons Learned.

I haven't blogged in awhile, so I thought I would post an update (not that many people read this, but just because :)

Em has gotten better, and we have been super busy! I have no clue why I feel that I can't catch up, but that seems to be the case! Business is flowing WONDERFULLY, family life is going well (other than dh isn't around, but he does come home in a few weeks!!) and I couldn't ask for more.

I learned another lesson about myself/life this week - It is dissappointing when someone treats you in a way that you would never treat them. I know that we are al different and my way isn't always right, but it is still dissappointing when this happens to you. I am pretty sure that my hormones have gotten the best of me, I have apologized to those whom I have offended (and sincerely meant it), but still can't help but feel bad. I believe in what I said to those 2 individuals (2 individuals not related in any way) but for some reason I can't help but feel dissappointed in myself. I am not the type of person to react in the same manner as someone acted towards me, and yet I found myself responding this way twice last week. I am thinking this is my goal for the rest of the pregnancy - I have to keep things to myself until I can respond as I would normally, not react like I did.

So, shame on me. I *swear* I won't do this again while pregnant.


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