

Colds stink, but they make me worry.

I feel like I am going through dejavu. When I was pg with E almost 2 years ago, I got a cold around this time of year. It didn't go away for over 2 months. Then I coughed, heard something pop in my chest and that is what spawned the multiple trips to ER and eventually the diagnosis of my cancer. So, long story short, this really freaks me out. Selfishly, I am praying that this cold doesn't go into my chest as I don't feel like hacking for months on end, but at the same time it brings back memories that really freak me out looking back on them. It is things like this that are making me turn into a germaphobe. I think I am afraid of getting sick. Maybe it is post-traumatic distress disorder - lol.

Other than being sick, dd is awesome, dh left but is in good spirits and can't wait to come back home.


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