


Stolen from another blog, but I love the idea!!

20 years ago I...
was in grade school - hating the uniforms that most catholic schools make you wear.
worrying about what everyone else thought
trying to get through school since I really didn't ever like it.

10 years ago I...
was in college
just joined student governemnt - god only knows why as if softball for the univeristy wasn't enough.
had a wonderful room mate - and actually for the first time in my life was comfortable with who I was.

5 years ago I...
had just sold my first condo that i bought and moved back in with my parents - YIKES to be closer to work - like 45 minutes closer - which was nice.
moved in with my soon to be fiance
hung out with a number of highly intelligent, yet very not so smart people.
enjoyed life, enjoyed work, enjoyed my friends tremendously.

One year ago I...
was celebrating my health - one year cancer free.
i was enjoying my little girl
i was enjoying being a SAHM

Yesterday I...
Oh crap - I am a SAHM to two kiddos - and you expect me to know what i was doing yesterday?!!? LOL - um, what did I do yesterday? OH YEAH! I cleaned the heck out of my kiddos room and re did their bathroom to make it look more elegant to put our house on the market.

Oh, and hubby showed up at the door with diet coke and vanilla stoli - I LOVE HIM!

Today I...
Scouted out places to take a family photo session for a client and then spent the entire day with my family and my sister - helping her paint her room - I ENJOY PAINTING. I wish I could do it more - I Really really really liked it. Sad to say, this is the first room that I have painted....DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!! ;)

Tomorrow I will...
Go to the photoshoot at o'dark thirty, come home, finish cleaning the house and relax with my hubby and kiddos.

In the next year I will...
Hopefully have a new HOME, complete with a yard and walls to paint :) and we will hopefully be less in debt, win the lottery - oh wait, this isn't a dream post LOL - have less crap and hopefully there will be less of me :) I want to loose 30 lbs by August.


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