


today my cousin is coming over to help me - to keep the kiddos entertained!! so that i can actually get this damn house on the market. we need a 'real' home so bad, i can't tell you. but with hubby working so many hours, it is darn near impossible to have him help me with the house, so i have taken matters into my own hands.

hpoefully i can get the kids's room done, their bathroom and all clothing put away today. That would make me UBER happy. Hubby agreed to help me with our bathroom and bedroom this weekend, and then all i really have to do is the front room and kitchen. i totally hope that by the end of next week, i can proudly blog that our house is on the market. *wishful thinking I know* but hey, one can dream eh?


  • At 11:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    good luck! I'm sure you can get it done.


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