

When do you draw the line between life and death?

So when do you do it? I was directly involved in a decision regarding my grandpa years ago. It BEYOND SUCKED. We, as a family, had to interpret his living will.

I couldn't imagine having to do this for MY child. [B][SIZE=5]I can't imagine what Kaylen's parents are going through, nor what my repsonse would be for my child. AND this is in no way against their decision of what they are going to do, just a thought on what I would probably do.[/SIZE][/B] Just wanted to make that clear as my heart, thoughts and prayers are with them daily.

I wanted to go into the medical field as a youngin in my 20's, but then my life's path took me a different route - so I understand medical lingo and then I ended up in a medical technology company where I worked side-by-side with some GREAT, very well know, doctors and nurses in different field specialties.

But should something catastrophic happen to my child, I am not sure that I could have the faith that he/she would return to me. My hubby and I both agree that if neither of us can breathe on our own and we are a veggie, that we are to pull the plug. And we have decided the same for our children. I know stress and other issues will come into play, but that is what we have decided - that our children should have a quality of life and feeding ones child through a tube, and caring for their EVERY BASIC NEED is not the quality of life we want for them. And, as I have learned, a living will is not the COMPLETE answer - there are so many loop holes and then your emotions come into play.

hmm...something to ponder. and my love goes to kaylens parents - they are going to try to bring her home and I commend them for doing what is right for their family.


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