

I am bored, therefore I must blog.

So, hubby made a comment today at TRU - I said, "I am kinda getting excited to have a little one around again" and he said, "Enjoy it it's our last one"

hmm....funny. We have not talked about this yet...

I am torn on the issue. This pregnancy has done me in. I am so uncomfortable, in constant pain, NOT sleeping AT ALL and just generally pissing him off - so maybe that's where the comment came from. Who knows. But like today, they are both sleeping, and what am I doing? bloggin b/c I can't go to sleep. and I was up 1/2 the night. Tylenol PM is lookin' GREAT for tonight.

On a lighter note, he got a new job (thank freakin' god) and he will NOT be traveling anymore. I can't begin to tell you how happy i am to know that he will be around all of the time. Now, he might be working longer hours, but he will be HERE w/in 45 min driving distance of home. Now THAT'S priceless.

I have been a bad mom lately and have let dd sleep with me at night b/c either she comes in when i am dead asleep (and since sleep is so rare) I just snuggle up with her.

Ok, the natives are restless :)


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