

why i think the way i do.

some have asked why the dislike for my grandma. there is a hugly long story and i acutally have the time to type it out tonight.

we spend a lot of time with our families and always have. both mom and dad's parents have been married forever. my dad's parents and mom's parents are two TOTALLY different types of people. dad's parents are/were outgoing, athletic and very trendy. my grandpa had major health issues his entire life, and passed away, i think about 8 years ago. however, when we were growing up we would always take summer trips with them b/c they had a motor home and boat and we loved to go go go... :)

well, we took a trip to a mountain lake and the olympics were on. my grandpa muttered something mean about black people b/c track and field was on. so i stepped up and said that i think his accusations were wrong. that set him off, and my grandma too. apparently kids aren't supposed to have an opinion, even if their opinion is directly related to how they were brought up. so the conversation then extended to the point at which my grandparents told me that i couldn't be friends with people who weren't white. at that point in time, i lived in white suburbia, but did have a few close friends, one was hawaiian and the other one was vietnamese. i was told that i had to end my friendships with them immediately and while we were on the subject, never make friends with non-white people and i can't date or marry anyone who isn't italian. um.......WTF?

i was soo upset about the whole exchange, i think there was 3 days left on the trip so i didn't fish or anything or talk to anyone and stayed in the motorhome until they drove us home. so i get off the motorhome and my dad asked me how it was and I told him that i hated his parents and ran into the house. dad and mom took my sis and i out for dinner and i told them everything. they then told us how life has been with them and what they had been sheltering us from. i remember the feeling after talking to my parents. it was like i was told that there is no santa. i always looked up to my grandparents and respected them, but i wasn't brought up like they were - i was brought up to respect everyone and that friendship should be based on the person, not the color of their skin.

well, things just got worse and worse. then they decided to live here part time and to live in sun city the other. that's fine, but then they started to get pissed when we wouldn't go to sun city to spend holidays with them. they are the ones that moved away from the family, not us. the entire rest of the family was still here, i saw no reason why we had to travel to spend a holiday with them.

FF to college. my parents 25th anniversary - i organized, paid for and did almost everything for this. 2 girls and i were living together. one girl graduated, and we needed a roommate. i talked to my dad about this first, and even took ed to meet my dad, and dad was ok with it, not thrilled, but ok with it. you see, ed was this HUGE almost 7' black basket ball player. well...i didn't tell anyone in my family what was going on. then when grandma and grandpa came into town for the surprise party, she called my house trying to tell me what needed to be done and how to do it. so i stopped answering the phone - she YELLED at me for getting a cake 'waste of money and no one eats it' (it was almost gone after the party) well, i show up to my cousin's house to set up for the party and my grandma pulls me aside and here is the conversation:

g - i called you today
me - really? i didn't get the message?
g - well i didn't leave one. i called and a gentleman answered.
me - oh yea, that's ed. he lives with us. you should have left a message, i would have caled you back.
g - well, i didn't b/c he sounded black.

holy fucking shit. are you serious?

me - um, that's cuz he is.
g - oh.

so we go our separate ways and then she, all happy and giddy, tells me that grandpa and her want to take me out to lunch. um, ok - that's nice.

we get to lunch, they were facing south and i was facing north in the restaurant (I still remember this b/c i almost walked out of the restaurant) and YELLED and LECTURED me about having friends who aren't white, and living with a black person. i told them it wasn't like i was screwing him (they didn't like that) and that i have TONS of hispanic and asian friends and i am not willing to give up their friendship just because my grandparents, whom didn't raise me, disapprove. they were pissed. you want to know why? because they knew a lot of the administration at my college and 'what would they think' i said, 'the only people who would even judge me are old, like your age and i really don't care what people your age think' and then i asked them how my dad is soooo different than they are. they are the most prejudice people i have ever met and how did my dad turn out sooo different? there was no answer from them.

so i couldn't talk to my parents about this b/c they coudln't know that i saw them that day and that i talked to them. i lost 20 lbs in 1 week b/c of hte stress that my grandma and grandpa put on me. it was horrible. i wasn't even 20 yet and i got to my cousins after the 'surprise' part and walked into the kitchen and he just handed me a glass of wine. i just kept drinking...

i just can't respect someone who doesn't have a general respect for all life. I value ALL of my relationsihps, no matter what heritage they are from. I am not saying that i am not prejudice, i probably am. I probably judge people, and i probably have made some incorrect judgements. but i think that is a natural part of being human. but to take it that far, and to try to parent me when my parents were in now way shape or form of the same ideology, is beyond me.

the icing on the cake was when i graduated from college. i was the first one on my dad's side to do it in 4.5 years, double degree, 3rd one total to graduate from college in his entire family, and my grandma and grandpa called that week to tell us that my grandpa was too weak and sick to travel. we found out the day before graduation that they drove to vegas for the weekend.

two birthdays ago, my grandma called me to go to lunch for my bday on my bday. we scheduled it. the day before i called her and said that i had 2 client meetings for work and i would have to reschedule, would breakfast work? she agreed so we met for bkfst. after i returned from bkfst, i had 2 vmails, cancelling the 2 meetings. so i spoke with my mom and she then asked me to go to lunch. i said ok. we went to lunch where my cousin's girlfriend worked at the time. well, my cousins girlfriend innocently mentioned that she saw us and OMG it was like a bomb going off. my grandma called me and yelled at me and told me what a horrible person i was for lieing to her about my lunch b/c i went to lunch with my mom and her parents and cancelled on her. i let her rant and then said did you ever think to ask me what happened that i was able to go to lunch today? and she said, well no. so i told her the story and she said her feelings were still hurt. i said, well, i didn't know that i had to run every single thing by you first. she hates my mom's parents, so that's why she was mad. and she has no right to hate my mom's parents, they are the most sweet, non-judging, loving people i have ever met.

so that is major points of the story. many smaller things have occurred since then (like telling me this weekend that i will never be good at golf b/c she isn't and we are the same height and therefore i will always not be good - bitch), but i write them off now. i don't care - if i care then i will be hurt and it is less time and pain wasted if i don't care about her anymore.


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