

to some people, a little bit of knowledge is a BAD thing.

hmmm...some people actually go out in search of more knowledge. This is GREAT. I am glad that you are trying to expand your brain.

But knowledge should come with a warning. Like - be careful - just because you read this doesn't mean that you know everything.

I think that warning will suffice.

I was told today, by a family member, that I need to start eating organic food. I need to go to a specific fast food chain restaurant b/c apparently they make their patties from organic beef. And I have to shop at XY And Z b/c I need organic food.

Um, okay - and she was adamant about it. Well, that's nice, but unless someone's budget can afford it, then NO we won't be eating organic. Sorry. But it got into a whole ordeal - like I was going to die tomorrow if I didn't eat organic.

THEN - it went onto how I should run my life. For the past year, this person has been on my case to sell our house. Okay, um, don't you think that we KNOW that we need to get out of here? Meanwhile, she talked out of the other side of her mouth today

her: you still have credit card debt?
me: yes, but we are paying it off.
her: oh, well your dad said he was looking into a maid. you should go clean houses for a living.
me: uh....wouldn't working during the day be counterproductive to me being a SAHM?
her: well, you should take hubby's bonus and pay off your cc's.
me: um, weren't you just telling me no less than 2 mos ago that i should buy a house? we are going to have to pay at least 7k to get out of this house, and if we pay the cc's off, then we won't have any money to close on a house.
her: but not having cc is better than a house.
me; for someone who isn't living in my conditions (2 children, 2bdr condo full of plastic CRAP), it isn't.

Sigh, why do people always think that they are right? Don't they realize that there is more than one way to go about things?


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