

Random Thoughts for a Tuesday night...

Oh my. I am feeling overwhelmed. I LOVE LOVE LOVE having two children. I love their smiles, yawns, even their whining - especially when they do it at the same time LOL. But what I love even more are photos like this:

I am thrilled to have two children, but can't seem to find a schedule. One or the other always needs something. Or is crying. Or smacked their head. or something. LOL. I am sure it will come and I am not worried about that, but sheesh!! Poor lil man is going through a "Don't you dare put me down" phase and my sassy sally is going through a typical toddler phase. I love it - don't get me wrong, but some days it makes me very tired :)

Hubby is at a conference, and my sassy sally can't sleep in her own bed. Which cracks me up - and warms my heart at the same time. So, we are having a slumber party in our bed. (there is more room when hubby isn't here lol) She has always been such an intuitive person, and a part of me thinks that she thinks I am lonely in bed by myself. Apparently when we were in the hospital with lil man, she slept with hubby and then when we got home, she went right back to her bed. I *swear* she is smarter than us.

I sorted through the land of plastic toys today. We are boxing up two 30 gal tubs and rotating the toys - I think that this is the only way that we will be able to contain the crap when we put this place back on the market. I have almost got their room done, and their bathroom done, and my next task is our bathroom - we seem to have a ton of their crap in our room - I just don't get how clutter pro-creates, but I am sure that one day I will figure it out. Like her books - how come we have so many? How come they are all shapes and sizes and don't fit on a shelf very well? If anyone out there has any ideas on how to get my books organized, I would greatly appreciate it.

I am starting weight watchers as soon as I get my butt in gear. I am hoping that will be this week. I might need to consult some WW gurus as my WW knowledge has slipped in the past 3 years. I have almost lost all the baby weight from my lil man (have 5 more lbs to go) but I want to lose a total of 25 more by the end of August. I think that is a fairly reasonable goal, and that would get me back to pre-marriage weight, which would make me VERY happy. And then I told hubby that as my reward, he can happily take my butt to the jewelry store and buy me a very nice diamond to wear on my right hand LOL. OR he can upgrade my diamond. I know that sounds selfish, but I really want a right hand ring - and this is a good incentive and that way I can justify spending money on my other hand if I am acutally doing something for it - not that being a SAHM isn't doing something, :) but well, you know what i mean.

That's enough rambling for one evening *giggle*


  • At 9:56 AM , Blogger Kate said...

    First of all, someone needs to stop traveling so darn much. You will get on that schedule, just give yourself another month. (((HUG)))

    I am so jealous that you can join weight watchers. Just don't follow in my footsteps - have you worked out your BC?

    I'm thinking of ya - you make gorgeous babies!


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