


it has been as expected. the first two days...well....very very stressful. but i was proud of myself for holding my ground. we went to the fair and spent some time with the inlaws, and i still held my ground when i was told that i can't go to my friends houses and that on thursday, i needed to be back by monday morning so that she could have her time with the baby. um, no. i have carefully planned this entire trip so that i would have time with everyone. she even went as far as to tell me that my friends don't matter and that she is the only one who does b/c she is the grandma. I said, true, but you the grandma is working until 3 am on monday morning and that we have planned on giving you a day to recover from working 21 straight - so we will be back when we are back.

hubby is docked, and he called today and we are going to drive 2.5 hours and go pick him up for dinner. we have a lot to hug and celebrate -

i got a call from my MW and they want to put me on heparin shots, so that was a cluster on friday - calling the insurance, then the doc, then the insurance and then the doc, then the pharm, head was spinning. but in the end i got my medicine - and I HATE GIVING SHOTS TO MYSELF. they seemed to hurt less the last time i did this and belly also seemed to be in better shape the last time too lol...

ok, off to chill out before dd wakes up from her nap - which she really needed :)


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